CSS Sociology Past Paper 2024
PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks
Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)
Q.2 Mention the different forms of precipitation. Discuss the basic causes of rainfall.
Q.3 Bring out the chief characteristics of the Monsoon or the Mediterranean type of climate. How does it affect the vegetation and agriculture of the region?
Q.4 Differentiate between weathering and erosion. Describe the landform produced by river action in the plains.
Q.5 How are earthquakes caused? Account for their occurrence in the belt of young fold mountains.
Q.6 Explain the internal structure of the earth.
Q.7 Point out the difference between waves and currents. Discuss the distribution of surface currents of the North Atlantic Ocean.
Q.8 Write explanatory notes on any THREE of the following:
(a) Igneous rocks
(b) Air masses
(c) Insolation
(d) Cycle of erosion
(e) Tides
(f) Salinity