CSS Sociology Past Paper 2014

PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q.2 Discuss attribution theories with special reference to media portrayals of social issues. Explain the role of dispositional traits and situational factors for individual actions or decision-taking.

Q.3 What is mind construction and explain if it can be a planned activity? Discuss the role of education policy towards the formation of social mind and also show its importance in a separate paragraph.

Q.4 What is a social organization? Discuss how precepts about caste and social classes influence the smooth running of society.

Q.5 Discuss the burgeoning role of social media in Pakistan. Explain the importance of regulating the mainstream electronic media towards the achievement of national goals. Illustrate your answer with examples from Pakistan.

Q.6 What is trained incapacity? Write two examples about two institutions in Pakistan where trained incapacity is promoted and where empowerment is encouraged.

Q.7 Define the concepts of perception and reality. Discuss how perceptions of people are manoeuvred to influence public opinion. Explain your answer with an example from Pakistan.

Q.8 Write short NOTES on the following:
(a) Education as a factor of development
(b) Security as a social construct.