CSS Sociology Past Paper 1995
PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks
Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)
Q.2 Prove that “Individual is a social product”. Highlight the contribution of culture and society in this process.
Q.3 Discuss the salient features of experimental design of research. What are the limitations in its application to the study of human behavior?
Q.4 Do you consider yourself to be a highly mobility-oriented individual? What factors do you think explain your mobility orientation?
Q.5 Discuss the incentives and inhibitions to social and cultural change in Pakistan.
Q.6 Using sociological concepts, discuss the traditional characteristics of rural society.
Q.7 Discuss variabilities in family organization. Use of sociological concepts is essential.
Q.8 Prove that illiteracy is a social problem of Pakistan.
Q.9 Births, deaths, and migration are the three factors that determine the population growth rate of a country. What is happening to these factors that the population of Pakistan is growing at an unprecedented rate? Give arguments in support of your answer.