CSS Sociology Past Paper 1994

PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q.2 As an officer, how can you benefit yourself from the subject matter sociology?

Q.3 Define culture. Use this definition as a framework and discuss the salient features of Pakistani culture.

Q.4 How does socialization help in the development of personality?

Q.5 Distinguish between probability and non-probability sampling. Discuss the types of sampling in detail.

Q.6 What is social stratification? Discuss its significance by giving examples from Pakistani society.

Q.7 Write an essay on social control, highlighting the forces that become instruments in a change from its informal status to a formal status.

Q.8 The size of the population could be one quantitative basis of distinguishing rural from an urban community. Suggest qualitative criteria for differentiating the rural and urban communities from each other.

Q.9 Prove that Pakistan is passing through the phase of demographic transition. Suggest measures to shorten this transitional phase.