CSS Sociology Past Paper 1993

PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q.2 Sociological research findings are scientific to the extent sociologists use the scientific method of research. Discuss.

Q.3 Distinguish between survey research and experimental research. Choose any one of the two and discuss it in detail.

Q.4 Discuss the role of culture and social group in the formation of personality.

Q.5 Discuss the incentives and inhibitions to socio-cultural change in Pakistan.

Q.6 Pakistan is fast moving from a rural society to an urban society, but people in the cities don’t seem to display an urban way of life. Discuss.

Q.7 What is social class? Does it perform some functions in society? Give arguments in support of your viewpoint.

Q.8 Discuss the inter-relationship between economic and educational institutions.

Q.9 The present status of women in Pakistani society cannot be changed unless they go through the process of ’empowerment’. Discuss.