CSS Sociology Past Paper 1998

PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q.2 Ibn e Khuldun is quoted to have said, “Solidarity with community lies in the adaptation of moral standards inculcated by family to each member collectively responding to social responsibility.” Please offer comments.

Q.3 “The cultural deception of the West and the cultural delusion of the East lead to anomie.” Please elucidate.

Q.4 What are the salient features of the social policy of Pakistan? Please also refer to the Constitution 1973.

Q.5 Please write at least two pages note on two of the following:
(a) Social dynamism
(b) Sociology of the Holy Quran
(c) SAP

Q.6 Amongst the social problems of Pakistan, “Feudalism” still plays a negative role in building Pakistan as an egalitarian Islamic Republic. Please offer your own views with justification.

Q.7 Max Weber has written the book “Sociology of Religion”. What are its main contents?

Q.8 Often social change results in social disorganization. What cultural prerequisites can avoid such a situation?