CSS Sociology Past Paper 2012

PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q.2 Define culture invasion? Explain in detail the role of technological innovation and mass media in the revolution of rising expectations and the disruption of traditional society of Pakistan.

Q.3 Explain in detail the analysis of social conflict in capitalist society shown by the prominent sociologist and economist Karl Marx.

Q.4 Discuss in detail the accelerating and decelerating factors of social change. How culture ethnocentrism promotes social change and maintains social order.

Q.5 Define ethnomethodology. Explain in detail Garfinkel’s views regarding ethnomethodology. How did he use ethnomethodology in the field of sociological research and inquiry?

Q.6 Define suicide and its types. Explain in detail the theory of anomy presented by Emile Durkheim. In what way would the theory be helpful in solving the current issue of Pakistani youth’s involvement in suicidal attempts?

Q.7 Define urban sprawling. Explain in detail the socioeconomic impacts of peripheral areas on the crime rate of urban society in Pakistan.

Q.8 Write short notes on any TWO of the following:
(i) Culture diffusion and schools of thought on culture diffusion.
(ii) Role of mosques in the integration of Pakistani society.
(iii) Changing family pattern, its causes and consequences.
(iv) The role of government and non-government organizations in poverty alleviation in Pakistan.