9th Class English Past Paper 2017
Note: English 1st Time Paper of 9th Class.
Group-I (Subjective) 56 Marks
Q.2 Answer any FIVE of the following questions: (10)
(i) Why was the Holy Quran sent in Arabic?
(ii) What makes us stay alert in the wake of foreign invasion?
(iii) Why was Hazrat Abu Quhafaa (R.A) worried?
(iv) What can be the possible solution to our present problems?
(v) Who was appointed as the architect of the Sultan Mosque?
(vi) Describe some qualities of the nurse in the story “All is Not Lost.”
(vii) What are the causes of drug addiction?
(viii) What makes you feel that the author of the story “Three Days to See” is sad and depressed?
Q.3: Translate any TWO of the following paragraphs into Urdu.
(a) The revelation of the Divine message which continued for the next twenty-three years had begun, and the Rasool had arisen to proclaim the Oneness of Allah (Tauheed) and the unity of mankind. His mission was to destroy the nexus of superstition, ignorance, and disbelief, set up a noble conception of life, and lead mankind to the light of faith and divine bliss.
(b) Construction of the masjid started in 1609. The royal architect Sedefhar Mehmat Aga was appointed by the Sultan as in charge of the project. The opening ceremony was held in 1616. Unfortunately, the Sultan could not see the completion of the masjid in his life. It was completed in the reign of his successor, Mustafa I.
(c) I was sent on a three-month training course to Karachi. I made all possible attempts to leave my patient in good hands. I returned after three months to see my patient’s bed taken up by another. My feet froze to the ground. I did not have the courage to ask, “What happened?”
Rewrite any TWO of the above paragraphs into simple English.
Q.4 Write down the summary of the poem “Daffodils” by William Wordsworth.
Paraphrase the following lines into simple English with reference to the context:
“Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.”
Q.5 Use any FIVE of the following words/phrases/idioms in your sentences:
(i) Impressive
(ii) Miserable
(iii) Adorn with
(iv) Instead of
(v) Demolish
(vi) Enclosed
(vii) Eliminate
(viii) Meditation
Q.6 Write a letter to your friend requesting him/her to spend the spring holidays with you.
Write a story with the moral “A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed.”
Write a dialogue asking one’s way.
Q.7 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end:
Once a stag was drinking water at a stream. He happened to see his reflection in the water. He was pleased to see his beautiful horns, but when he saw his thin legs, he felt sad as he thought they were ugly. Suddenly, he saw a pack of hounds at a distance. He ran as fast as his legs could help him. Soon he left the hounds far behind. He had to pass through a thick forest of bushes. His horns were caught in a bush. He tried hard to pull his horns out of it but all in vain. By now, the hounds had come up. They fell upon him and tore him to pieces.
(i) What was the stag doing?
(ii) What did he see in the water?
(iii) Why was he pleased?
(iv) What made him sad?
(v) Why did he run?
Q.8 Translate any FIVE of the following sentences into English:
(i) ہم ہر روز اخبار پڑھتے ہیں۔
(ii) لوگ کہاں ناچ رہے ہیں؟
(iii) کلاک چار بجا چکا ہے۔
(iv) تم نے اپنا وعدہ پورا نہ کیا۔
(v) کیا وہ کھیلوں میں حصہ لے رہا تھا؟
(vi) پرندے پکڑ لیے گئے۔
(vii) وہ ضرور جرمانہ ادا کرے گا۔
(viii) ہم آرام کر چکے ہوں گے۔
Exclusively for candidates whose Medium of Examination is English
Write TEN sentences about “My Neighbour.”
Q.9 Change the voice of the following:
(i) The picture is made by the boy.
(ii) They had gained nothing.
(iii) We shall have killed the snake.
(iv) They caught the thief.
(v) The teacher was helping the students.