9th Class English Past Paper 2021

Note: English 1st Time Paper of 9th Class.

Group-I (Subjective) 56 Marks


Q.2 Write short answers to any FIVE of the following questions: (10)

(i) What “wealth” do memories of the scene give to the poet?
(ii) Who constructed Masjid Sophia?
(iii) What was the ideology of Pakistan in view of Quaid-e-Azam?
(iv) What are the qualities of a patriot?
(v) For which ability were the Arabs famous?
(vi) Which incident in the story shows the generosity of Hazrat Asma?
(vii) What does the interior of the masjid look like?
(viii) Why was Hazrat Abu Quhafa worried?


Q.3 Translate any TWO of the following paragraphs into Urdu: (4×4=8)

(a) Hazrat Asma was amongst the first to accept Islam. She was the daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique and the step-sister of Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqa.
(b) The revelation of the divine message, which continued for the next 23 years, had begun, and the Rasool (S.A.W.) had arisen to proclaim the oneness of Allah (Tauheed) and unity of mankind. His mission was to destroy the nexus of superstition.
(c) It was constructed between 1606 and 1616 during the rule of Ahmed I. As was the custom, this masjid, like other masajid of the time, comprises a tomb of the founder, a madrassah, and a hospice.



Rewrite any TWO of the above paragraphs into simple English.

Q.4 Write down the summary of the poem “Daffodils” by William Wordsworth.


Explain the following stanza with reference to the context:

The waves beside them danced, but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee;
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company!
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought.

Q.5 Write any FIVE of the following words/phrases/idioms in sentences of your own: (5)

(i) Alleviate
(ii) Nationalism
(iii) Commendable
(iv) Determined
(v) Delegation
(vi) Racing spirit
(vii) Urge
(viii) Flamboyant

Q.6 Write a letter to your friend requesting him to lend you some books.


Write a story with the moral “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”


Write a dialogue between a teacher and a student.

Q.7 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end: (10)

Early rising is a good habit as it gives us an early start to our day’s work. We gain time while the late risers are asleep. The early risers have another advantage also, and that is they enjoy good and sound health. Those who are out of bed early have plenty of time to do their work carefully, steadily, and completely. They do not have to put off anything to the next day. The early riser is always happy, fresh, and smart. He enjoys his work, while those who get up late find their duty dull and dry and do it unwillingly. Early rising is therefore a key to success in life.


1. What kind of habit is “early rising”?
2. Why can an early riser do more work than the late riser?
3. Why does an early riser enjoy good health?
4. Why does a late riser find his work dull and dry?
5. What is the key to success in life?

Q.8 Translate any FIVE of the following sentences into English: (5)

(i) میں کتاب سے نقل نہیں کر رہا تھا۔
(ii) نوکر بہانے نہیں بنا رہا تھا۔
(iii) لوگوں نے باغ میں جلسہ کیا۔
(iv) آپ نے میرے بھائی کی دیکھ بھال کی۔
(v) آپ نے پاگل کتا کہاں دیکھا؟
(vi) طلباء نے نعرے لگائے۔
(vii) مزدوروں نے جلوس نکالا۔
(viii) وہ کراچی کب پہنچے؟


Write TEN sentences about “A Dream”.

Q.9 Change the voice of the following: (5)

(i) We are doing our duty.
(ii) You are cheating me.
(iii) Shall we sing songs?
(iv) All students like him.
(v) We do not read the lesson.