CSS Pakistan Affairs Past Paper 2019

PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR questions. (20×4)

Q.No.2. Critically examine Congress Ministries of 1973. How far it is correct to suggest that it paved the way for the separate Muslim homeland in India?

Q.No.3. How far the nature of center-province relations has changed under various amendments to the 1973 constitution? Evaluate.

Q.No.4. What major economic challenges are being faced by Pakistan? What recommendations do you suggest to deal with these issues?

Q.No.5. “The population growth in Pakistan can erupt like an atomic bomb”. Comment.

Q.No.6. What are the main causes of energy crisis in Pakistan? What measures do you recommend to address it?

Q.No.7. Critically analyze the key causes of delaying construction of dams in Pakistan. Give some suggestions to revert this collateral loss.

Q.No.8. Efficient use of natural resources can make Pakistan a prosperous nation. Discuss in the light of present situation of Pakistan.