CSS Current Affairs Past Paper 2004

PART-2(Subjective) 100 Marks

Attempt ONLY Five questions. (20×5)

Q1. Analyze the factors responsible for the degeneration of Muslim society in the 18th century.

Q2. “Aligarh is the arsenal of Muslim India” (Quaid-e-Azam). Narrate briefly the role of Aligarh for the cause of the Muslims of the Subcontinent with special reference to the final phase of their independence.

Q3. Account for the emergence of the All India Muslim League and assess its importance in Indian politics during 1906-1913.

Q4. Trace the course of the Khilafat Movement and assess its significance for the development of Muslim nationalism.

Q5. “Between 1937-1947, Congress policies were such as to make Pakistan inevitable.” Discuss.

Q6. What do you know about the water crisis in Pakistan? Also, suggest concrete steps for its solution.

Q7. Throw light on the steps taken under various governments for the promulgation of the Islamic system in the country.

Q8. Write notes on any two:
(a) Objective Resolution
(b) Six Points of Mujeeb ur Rehman
(c) Pakistan’s role in the war against terrorism