9th Class Physics Past Paper 2018 Evening
Note: Physics 2nd Time Paper of 9th Class.
Group-II (Subjective) 40 Marks
Part– I
Q.2 Write short answers to any FIVE (5) questions:
(i) Define base quantities. Write an example.
(ii) Define prefixes. Write an example.
(iii) Write two uses of physics in daily life.
(iv) Define random motion. Write an example.
(v) Define vectors and scalars.
(vi) Differentiate between mass and weight.
(vii) What is meant by the banking of a road? Write its benefit.
(viii) Define centripetal force.
Q.3 Write short answers to any Five (5) questions:
(i) Define rigid body and the line of action of force.
(ii) Define equilibrium. Write the name of any two states.
(iii) Define gravitational field strength.
(iv) State Newton’s law of gravitation.
(v) Write a relation to find the orbital speed of an artificial satellite.
(vi) Define work and its SI unit.
(vii) Define efficiency and also write the relation to find it.
(viii) Write down two disadvantages of fossil fuels.
Q.4 Write short answers to any Five (5) questions:
(i) What is meant by elasticity?
(ii) State Archimedes’ Principle.
(iii) What is the difference between stress and strain?
(iv) Define latent heat of fusion.
(v) How does heating affect the motion of gas molecules?
(vi) What is the difference between land breezes and sea breezes?
(vii) Write any two uses of convection currents.
(viii) Define radiation.
Note: Attempt any TWO questions.
(a) Derive the first equation of motion with the help of the speed-time graph.
(b) How much time is required to change the momentum of 22 NS by a force of 20 N?
(a) Explain electrical energy and sound energy.
(b) A nut has been tightened by a force of 200 N using a 10 cm long spanner. What length of spanner is required to loosen the same nut with a 150 N force?
(a) Define evaporation. Also, write the various factors on which the rate of evaporation depends.
(b) A wooden cube of sides 10 cm each has been dipped completely in water. Calculate the up thrust of water acting on it.