CSS General Science & Ability Past Paper 2003

Q1. Write short notes on any TWO of the following: (5 each)

  1. Solar Energy
  2. Greenhouse Effect
  3. Nuclear Fusion

Q2. What is Asthma? Describe its causes and preventive measures. (4, 6)

Q3. Name: (1 each)

  1. The alloy consisting of copper and tin.
  2. The device used to measure the flow of electric current.
  3. The process by which plants make their own food.
  4. The gas responsible for global warming.
  5. The instrument used to measure humidity.
  6. The mineral responsible for the color of emerald gemstones.
  7. The scientist who formulated the laws of motion.
  8. The first manned spacecraft to land on Mars.
  9. The bird known for its ability to mimic sounds.
  10. The phenomenon by which sound travels through air.

Q4. Write briefly (not more than four to five sentences) about only FIVE of the following: (2 each)

  1. Biodegradable waste
  2. Chromatography
  3. Theory of relativity
  4. Acid rain
  5. Pythagoras’ Theorem
  6. Electromagnetic spectrum
  7. Stratosphere

Q5. Which physical quantities are measured by the following units? (1 each)

  1. Pound
  2. Tesla
  3. Gallon
  4. Watt
  5. Joule
  6. Second
  7. Coulomb
  8. Ohm
  9. Kelvin
  10. Lumen

Q6. What is the difference between a Windmill and a Watermill? What are the advantages of using Windmills? (2, 8)

Q7. Which of the following statements are True and which are False: (1 each)

  1. All plants produce oxygen during the night.
  2. The boiling point of water is lower at higher altitudes.
  3. Earthquakes can be predicted precisely in advance.
  4. The color of an object affects its ability to absorb heat.
  5. Tigers can digest plant material.
  6. Electrons move faster in conductors than in insulators.
  7. Fish breathe through their gills by absorbing oxygen from water.
  8. Electromagnetic waves travel faster in a vacuum.
  9. Insulin is produced by the liver.
  10. There are seven colors in the visible spectrum of light.

Q8. Differentiate between the following pairs: (2 each)

  1. Tuner and Oscilloscope
  2. Prism and Lens
  3. Iron and Steel
  4. Renewable and Non-renewable resources
  5. Giga and Mega

Q9. Fill in the blanks: (1 each)

  1. The instrument used to measure temperature is ___.
  2. The closest planet to the Sun is ___.
  3. The process by which water turns from liquid to gas is called ___.
  4. The term for excessive soil erosion is ___.
  5. A pure substance made of one type of atom is called ___.
  6. The backbone of the human nervous system is the ___.
  7. The largest planet in our solar system is ___.
  8. In an atom, electrons move around the ___ in orbits.
  9. The scientist who invented the light bulb is ___.
  10. Light can bend due to the phenomenon called ___.

Q10. What is ozone depletion? What are the major causes behind it? (4, 6)

Q11. Give scientific reasons for the following: (2 each)

  1. Why do people experience jet lag after a long flight?
  2. Why do some substances dissolve in water while others do not?
  3. Why is iron used in the construction of bridges?
  4. Why do ice cubes melt in warm water faster than in cold water?
  5. Why are diamonds considered the hardest natural material?

Q12. What are carbohydrates and proteins? Explain their role in the body. (4, 6)

Q13. What do the following scientific abbreviations stand for? (1 each)

  1. MRI
  2. DNA
  3. CPR
  4. LED
  5. URL
  6. ATP
  7. GPS
  8. UV
  9. DNA
  10. HTTP

Q14. Compare the columns A and B and write the correct answer from Column B corresponding to Column A (serial-wise) in Column C: (1 each)

Q15. Choose the best choice in the following statements:

  1. The element which is a noble gas:
    (A) Hydrogen
    (B) Oxygen
    (C) Argon
    (D) Nitrogen
  2. Water can be converted into gas by:
    (A) Boiling
    (B) Melting
    (C) Freezing
    (D) Condensation
  3. The power of a lens is measured in:
    (A) Diopters
    (B) Meters
    (C) Kilograms
    (D) Coulombs
  4. The longest river in the world is:
    (A) Nile
    (B) Ganges
    (C) Amazon
    (D) Yangtze
  5. The scientist who discovered the law of gravity:
    (A) Galileo
    (B) Einstein
    (C) Newton
    (D) Curie
  6. The primary source of energy for plants is:
    (A) Soil
    (B) Water
    (C) Sunlight
    (D) Carbon dioxide
  7. To remove a stain from clothes, it is best to use:
    (A) Detergent
    (B) Vinegar
    (C) Cold water
    (D) Acid
  8. The cell that fights infection in the human body is called:
    (A) Red blood cell
    (B) Platelet
    (C) White blood cell
    (D) Nerve cell
  9. The type of energy stored in a battery is:
    (A) Chemical
    (B) Thermal
    (C) Electrical
    (D) Gravitational
  10. The scientific study of heredity is called:
    (A) Biology
    (B) Genetics
    (C) Physiology
    (D) Chemistry