CSS General Science & Ability Past Paper 2007

Q1. Write short notes on any two of the following (5 each)
1) (a) Laser
(b) Nuclear reactor
(c) Ceramics

Q2. Write briefly (not more than three to four sentences) about any five of the following (2 each)
1) (a) Asteroids
(b) Black Hole
(c) Aurora
(d) Sedimentary Rock
(e) Epiphytes
(f) Ionosphere

Q3. Differentiate between the following pairs: (2 each)
1) (a) BIT and BYTE
(b) RAM and ROM
(c) Epidemic and endemic
(d) Photosynthesis and respiration
(e) Herbivores and carnivores

Q4. (i) What are the endocrine glands? Name any Two. (2+2)
(ii) Name the parts of human body from where the following are secreted: (6)
1) (a) Insulin
(b) Thyroxin
(c) Adrenalin
(d) Oestrogen
(e) Cortisol
(f) Testosterone

Q5. (a) Briefly discuss the classification of plants giving suitable examples: (6)
(b) Define the following: (4)
1) Vaccine
2) Antibiotic
3) Solar eclipse
4) Exothermic

Q6. Give scientific reasons for the following: (2 each)
1) (a) Why do climbers get their food by climbing on other trees?
(b) Mars is called the red planet.
(c) Vitamin D is an essential component of the body.
(d) The weight of the object is less at the equator than at the poles.
(e) Why do some people snore?

Q7. Give a description of satellites and also give their functions. (10)

(a) What is a balanced diet? (5)
(b) How are characters transmitted from parents to offspring? (5)