CSS General Science & Ability Past Paper 2019
PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks
Q. 2
(a). Deficiency of vitamins causes different human diseases, some of which are given in the table below. Choose the correct type of vitamin from the box and write in front of each disease. (5)
Diseases caused due to lack of vitamin
- Poor night vision
- Bleeding gums
- Rickets in children
- Beri-Beri
- Anaemia
Vit. A
Vit. B1
Vit. C
Vit. D
Vit. E
Vit. K
(b). People suffering from cardiovascular disease having high levels of cholesterol in their blood, this often leads to the build-up of fats on its internal arterial walls, suggests how this might be harmful to the heart. (5)
(c). Why should the excessive use of chemical fertilizers be avoided? (5)
(d). Why are scientists worried about the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere? (5)
Q. 3
(a). Differentiate between the renewable and non-renewable sources of energy, giving examples of each one of them. (5)
(b). Give a brief account of optic fibers. What is their importance in present-day telecom systems? (5)
(c). What is the most dangerous part of a hurricane and how do cyclones affect humans? (5)
(d). What is the difference between vaccines and antibiotics? How do antibiotics and vaccines contribute to health? (5)
Q. 4
(a). What is the importance of forests in the economy of a country? (5)
(b). Give a brief account of biotechnology. (5)
(c). Do mammals always lay eggs? If yes, where in the world do they live? Write the names of some of them. (5)
(d). How can the sun have such a strong gravitational field if it is made of gases? (5)
Q. 5
(a). What does ozone depletion mean and how can we protect the ozone layer? (5)
(b). What are the different types of a network? Explain each briefly. (5)
(c). Why might the indiscriminate/casual use of antibiotics prove dangerous? (5)
(d). Why do atoms form bonds? Name three major types of chemical bonds. (5)
Q. 6
(a). Moiz was trying to sleep one night but there was too much noise around him. His clock ticked every 5 seconds; a tap was dripping every seventh second, and a pet dog snored every 12th second. He noticed on his clock that all three things happened together on the stroke of midnight. Find after how many seconds all three things will happen together. (5)
(b). One pipe can fill a pool 1.25 times as fast as the second pipe. When both pipes are opened, they can fill the pool in five hours. How long will it take to fill the pool if only the slower pipe is used? (5)
(c). The cost of hiring a car for 2 days in 2018 was Rs. 264, which was 20% more than in 2013. What was the cost of hiring a car in 2013? (5)
(d). What do you understand by the measure of central tendency? State its types. (5)
Q. 7
(a). Moiz and Mair share a lottery win of Rs. 2000 in the ratio of 1:4. Moiz then shares this part between himself, his wife, and his son in the ratio of 4:5:1. How much more does his wife get over his son? (5)
(b). A farmer keeps hens and rabbits on his farm. One day he counted a total of 70 heads and 196 legs. How many more hens than rabbits does he have? (5)
(c). What is a polygon? Describe different types of regular polygons. (5)
(d). In a certain code, COMPUTER is written as FRUVQNPC. How will MEDICINE be written in the code language? (5)
Q. 8
(a). Seven Piano Students (T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z) are given a recital and their instructor is deciding the order in which they will perform. Each student will play exactly one piece, a piano solo. In deciding the order of performance, the instructor must observe the following restrictions:
(i) X cannot play first or second
(ii) W cannot play until X has played
(iii) Neither T nor Y can play seventh
(iv) Either Y & Z must play immediately after W
(v) V must play immediately after, or immediately U played
If V plays first, which one of the following must be true?
- T plays sixth
- X plays third
- Z plays seventh
- T plays immediately after Y
- W plays immediately after X
(b). U = [Whole numbers from 10 to 24]
A = [Even numbers]
B = [Numbers divisible by 5]
Write down the number of elements of A∩B. (5)
(c). In the following diagram, A represents Americans, S represents scientists, and P represents politicians:
(i) Americans who are politicians but not scientists will be . (ii) Scientists who are politicians but not Americans will be . (5)

(d). Each packet of washing powder carries a token and 4 tokens can be exchanged for a free packet. How many free packets will I receive if I buy sixty-four packets? (5)