9th Class Chemistry Past Paper 2015

Note: Chemistry 1st Time Paper of 9th Class.

Group-I (Subjective) 63 Marks


Q.2 Write short answers to any FIVE (5) questions: (10 Marks)

(i) Differentiate between homoatomic and heteroatomic molecules.
(ii) Write the chemical formulae of Aluminium Sulphate and Calcium Phosphate.
(iii) Define Avogadro’s Number.
(iv) Write down the electronic configuration of the chloride ion.
(v) What is meant by carbon dating?
(vi) Write any two properties of canal rays.
(vii) State Mendeleev’s Periodic Law.
(viii) Why is the second ionization energy of an element higher than the first one?

Q.2 Write short answers to any FIVE (6) questions: (12 Marks)

(i) Write down the general electronic configuration of the carbon family.
(ii) What is meant by lone pair and bond pair of electrons in a molecule?
(iii) Define the term boiling point.
(iv) Evaporation causes cooling. Explain.
(v) Define the term vapour pressure.
(vi) Define solute and solvent.
(vii) How can you distinguish between a solution and a pure solvent?
(viii) Define the term unsaturated solution.
(ix) Give two examples of colloids.

Q.2 Write short answers to any FIVE (5) questions: (10 Marks)

(i) Define electroplating.
(ii) What are non-electrolytes? Give an example.
(iii) What are redox reactions?
(iv) Write the names of electrochemical cells.
(v) What is the cathode? Differentiate between anode and cathode.
(vi) Define metal and give two examples.
(vii) Write any two uses of silver.
(viii) Give the chemical reaction between methane (CHâ‚„) and chlorine (Clâ‚‚) in the presence of diffused light.

Note: Attempt any three (3) questions.


(a) State any three differences between a compound and a mixture. (3 Marks)
(b) State any four properties of cathode rays. (4 Marks)


(a) Discuss any three important features of the modern periodic table. (3 Marks)
(b) Describe the properties of ionic compounds. (4 Marks)


(a) A gas at a pressure of 912 mmHg has a volume of 450 cm³. What will be its volume at 0.4 atm? (3 Marks)
(b) What are the effects of temperature on solubility? Explain. (4 Marks)


(a) How is the electroplating of chromium carried out? (3 Marks)
(b) Write down four uses of silver in daily life. (4 Marks)


(a) Compare electrolytic and galvanic cells. (3 Marks)
(b) Differentiate between electrolytes and non-electrolytes with examples. (4 Marks)