CSS Computer Science Past Paper 2014
PAPER-I (Subjective) 80 Marks
Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II, selecting at least ONE question from EACH SECTION. (20×4)
Q. No. 2
(a) The processor must have a process to handle exceptions. Explain four things that the processor must be able to identify and/or take care of.
(b) Discuss the essential servers/services that are used to complete an Intranet.
(c) Discuss why BIOS are not changed frequently.
Q. No. 3
(a) Distinguish between the architecture of x86 to a 68000 processor.
(b) Differentiate differences of Unix operating system over Microsoft window OS.
(c) Write a note on network topology. Which topology will you prefer for an enterprise and why?
Q. No. 4
(a) What advantages are provided in OOP over other conventional programming techniques?
(b) Draw a data structure of a course registration system for a university-level institute.
(c) Discuss some cost estimation techniques used in software engineering.
Q. No. 5
(a) Write a do-while loop to compute the sum of the first 30 positive odd integers.
(b) Write a note on sorting algorithm. Write pseudo-code for insertion sort.
(c) What are the key issues on which software engineering works with?
Q. No. 6
(a) Discuss the concepts of data independency in DBMS.
(b) Web applications are getting popular nowadays. Write a note on languages used for web-application development.
(c) What is the difference between Raster and Vector Graphics? Write down at least four differences.
Q. No. 7
(a) Write a note on Data Models.
(b) Discuss essential issues in network programming.
(c) Define ‘Transformation’ and discuss briefly its types.