CSS Computer Science Past Paper 2017

PAPER-I (Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. (20×4)



Q. 2
(A) The internet era has given rise to the problem of cybercrimes. Given the need to maintain privacy, which is an ethical responsibility of the government, what technical means would you suggest to curb this problem
(B) Describe the difference between Harvard and Von-Neumann architectures of computers. Also, discuss their traits in the light of their capabilities
(C) Virtual memory is used by the computer to support the running of heavy applications. Describe the functioning of virtual memory in the computer. Also, comment on the management of virtual and physical memory by an operating system

Q. 3
(A) Three types of languages exist for use in programming of computers: Machine, Low-Level, and High-Level languages. Elucidate on these three types, giving details of the conversion process between Low-Level and High-Level language into Machine language
(B) Write a function that calculates the quadratic equation in x= (-b±√(b²-4ac))/(2a). You may use the math library for this purpose. The program should ask the user to enter values of a, b, and c and should print the result. A sample execution of the program is shown below
Enter value of a: 1
Enter value of b: 2
Enter value of c: 1
The values of x are -1, -1
(C) Consider that you are required to create a program for a supermarket checkout machine. The machine has a database of the items available in the supermarket, which consists of the item’s name, code, and price. Make a program that requires the cashier (user) to enter the code or name of the product and the quantity that has been bought. It should allow for multiple entries to be made. Once all the entries have been made, the program prints the total amount to be charged on the screen. A sample execution is shown below
Enter product name or code: 1
Enter quantity: 1
Do you have more products to add (Y/N): N
The total amount is 500
You may construct the database as a structure

Q. 4
(A) What factors should be considered when choosing particularly between evolutionary and incremental models? Elucidate the characteristics of Rapid Application Development, Joint Application Development, and Agile Software Engineering
(B) Differentiate between Software Validation and Verification. Discuss some of the techniques used for empirical software evaluation
(C) Discuss the importance of Requirements Engineering in the success of a software project. Explain in detail the process of ‘Requirements Sign-off’

Q. 5
(A) Draw and build a Red-black tree for the following keys (50, 60, 70, 80, 90) and (50, 40, 30, 20, 10). Would a binary tree be suitable for the insertion of these keys
(B) Hash tables enable fast insertion and searching within the database. Describe the process of hashing with a suitable example
(C) Describe the process of Bubble Sorting. Write down the output after each pass of the Bubble Sort algorithm for sorting the sequence (3, 8, 2, 6, 1, 10)


Q. 6
(A) The design methodologies of programs can have multiple approaches including the Big Bang, Code and Fix, Water Fall, and the Spiral Model. Consider a test application and describe the development of the application while following each of these four approaches
(B) Discuss the design issues of Task Partitioning and Task Allocation in Distributed Software Engineering tasks
(C) Explain the importance of Design Patterns under the umbrella of Agile software design and programming. Explain Software Testing and different methodologies

Q. 7
(A) The handling of syntax errors involves the use of parser and the lexical analyzer. Comment on its functioning
(B) Using a suitable example, compare the operation of a top-down and a bottom-up Parser based compiler
(C) Explain the two different methods of code optimization that are Loop optimization and Peephole optimization by giving a suitable example

Q. 8
Write short notes on any FOUR of the following
(A) Global, Local, and shared variables for nested function access
(B) Protecting IP rights in the digital domain
(C) Parallel processing and the use of pipelining for this purpose
(D) Resource allocation during runtime processes
(E) Intermediate Code Generation
(F) Searching Algorithms

PAPERII (Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. (20×4)



Q. 2
(A) Discuss the following methods of storage systems
(i) Direct Access
(ii) Random Access

(B) If clock speed reaches its maximum, what are the two methods to increase the performance of a computer? Briefly explain.

(C) Draw and explain instruction execution state diagram with interrupt.

Q. 3
(A) Explain the following network protocols
(i) HTTP and SIP
(ii) TCP and UDP

(B) What is the transmission time of a packet sent by a station if the length of the packet is 1 million bytes and the bandwidth of the channel is 200 Kbps?

(C) Given the IP address and the network mask, what are the assignable IP addresses and broadcast in this subnet?

Q. 4
(A) What are the differences between Optimal and LRU (Least Recently Used) page Replacement Policies?

(B) Discuss the four necessary conditions for deadlock to occur. How can we deny any two of these conditions?

(C) Consider three processes given in the table. Find average waiting time and average turnaround (completion) time when these processes are scheduled using Round-Robin scheduling with a time quantum (TQ) = 4.

Q. 5
(A) Explain the functionality and purposes of the following registers with diagrams
(i) Memory Address Register (MAR)
(ii) Memory Buffer Register (MBR)
(iii) Instruction Register (IR)

(B) Discuss the functionality of Ethernet LAN and its types.

(C) What happens in the following cases?
(i) If the job size is kept very low in time-sharing systems.
(ii) If the page size is kept very small in paged memory management.


Q. 6
(A) What is Normalization? Discuss 1NF, 2NF, and 3NF with examples.

(B) Write short notes on the following:
(i) Data
(ii) Database
(iii) Database Management System

(C) Differentiate between Centralized Database and Distributed Database.

Q. 7
(A) Define image histogram. What is meant by histogram equalization? Explain their applications in image processing.

(B) Find the storage in bytes required to store a 256 x 200 colored image using the RGB color model with 24-bit color depth.

(C) Briefly explain Geometric Transformations.

Q. 8
(A) Explain the following web concepts:
(i) localStorage and sessionStorage objects
(ii) Application cache in HTML5
(iii) Manifest file
(iv) Web Worker

(B) What is SVG? What are the advantages of SVG over JPEG or GIF?

(C) Explain Non-Breaking Space in HTML with an example.