CSS Economics Past Paper 2012

PAPER-I (Subjective) 80 Marks


Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. (20×4)

Q. 2 Explain how the Market demand curve can be derived from the Indifference curve approach?

Q. 3 Define Multiplier. Also explain the impact of the Multiplier on National income and employment of the economy.

Q. 4 Compare and contrast the Fisher and Cambridge equations of money.

Q. 5 Explain the process of creation of credit money and also discuss its properties.

Q. 6 Explain how Inflation and Deflation can be controlled by the Central Bank?

Q. 7 Critically analyze the slogan of “Trade not aid”. Is it possible with reference to Pakistan?

Q. 8 Critically discuss the Modern Theory of International Trade and how it impacts cost-effectiveness?

Q. 9 Write notes on the following:

  • (i) Protection policy of Industrial Development
  • (ii) Balance of payment as a domestic resource development

PAPERII (Subjective) 80 Marks


Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. (20×4)

Q. 2 Discuss Arbitrary poverty line. Also discuss how poverty is measured with Basic Need Approach?

Q. 3 Critically analyze the Economic Planning as a “Steering” of the economy and without planning like a ship having no destination. Comment with reference to Pakistan.

Q. 4 Discuss the evolutionary development of Grain Revolution in Pakistan. Comment with examples from the Pakistan economy.

Q. 5 Keeping in view the Land Reforms in Pakistan, comment on how much these are significant to achieve the targets of decentralization of wealth and income inequalities.

Q. 6 Analyze and comment on Industrial Development as a domestic resource development and enhancement of absorption capacity for employment generation in Pakistan.

Q. 7 Keeping in view the Market-friendly approach of Economic Development, discuss privatization as a path to economic prosperity.

Q. 8 Differentiate Economic Development and Economic Growth. Also discuss the Modern concept of Economic Development.

Q. 9 Write notes on the following:

  • (i) Migration outflows
  • (ii) Balance of payment as a source of capital formation