CSS Anthropology Past Paper 2020

PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q.2 What does CRM stand for in anthropology? Justify how far the cultural knowledge generated through the application of four branches of anthropology is important and contributes to the overall development of a country like Pakistan.

Q.3 Anthropologically, what various belief and magic systems across history have humans practiced as social institutions? What belief systems other than religions are still being practiced in Pakistani society today and why?

Q.4 Keeping Karl Marx’s (1818–1884) theory of conflict in mind, justify how far the establishment of enormous slums or squatter settlements in metropolitan cities is natural or due to discriminatory economic management. Support your arguments with examples.

Q.5 One of the dynamic aspects of culture is its “adaptive and maladaptive nature.” What does this mean? Critically discuss cultural practices that are maladaptive and cause underdevelopment.

Q.6 What is “ethnic homogenization”? Discuss the various mechanisms used by states to achieve it today.

Q.7 Highlight the major contributions of anthropologists such as Edward Bernard Taylor, Bronislaw Malinowski, Margaret Mead, and Clifford Geertz.

Q.8 Differentiate between “etic” and “emic” approaches used in anthropological research. Highlight the various ethnographic techniques used by ethnographers in conducting research in anthropology.