CSS English Literature Past Paper 2006

PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II selecting TWO questions from EACH



Q. 2 William Wordsworth exalts familiar reality through the strength of a reflective sensibility. Critically analyze the statement.

Q. 2 Keats odes depict a skillful fusion of a seeking of beauty which endures and an impassioned meditation of death. Comment.

Q. 4 The predominant almost exclusive theme of W. Blake’s short poems is based on the feeling of a child’s impassioned soul, the tone is simple while the emotions possess a pure ardor. Discuss.


Q. 5 In ‘Tess’, Hardy has rebelled against traditional and orthodox views’. Comment.

Q. 6 ‘The one gift necessary to the great Novelist is the capacity to create living characters’. Discuss any two novels by Dickens in the light of this comment.

Q. 7 ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ “expresses despair or that its import is nihilistic, is radically to misread the book”. Justify or reject the statement.

Q. 8 Write critical notes on any TWO of the following:
(a) The use of the dramatic monologue by Robert Browning
(b) Conflict between love and duty in G. Eliot
(c) Romantic themes in W. Blake’s poetry
(d) Charles Lamb as a prose writer