CSS Town Planning & Urban Management Past Paper 2018

PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q.2. As a town planner, suppose you have been assigned a project lead position to prepare a master plan for a metropolitan city. Develop your project team by explaining which other professionals will be engaged by you. Also, discuss the services that will be provided by them for the successful completion of the assignment.

Q.3. Explain the general urban form characteristics of historical European cities. Also, discuss whether these characteristics offer any advantages in pursuing the goals of sustainable development.

Q.4. Differentiate ‘urbanization’ from ‘urban sprawl’. Are large Pakistani cities facing both of these processes simultaneously? Discuss and support your viewpoint with examples.

Q.5. Discuss different ways and approaches to reduce the housing cost for low-income people in order to promote equitable development.

Q.6. Can socio-environmental problems of urban areas be addressed through urban design guidelines? While discussing, provide relevant examples and illustrations, where possible.

Q.7. Which factors are responsible for growing intense competition among different stakeholders over the use of natural resources? Also, suggest different measures to resolve the conflicts arising from such intense competition.

Q.8. Write a short note on any TWO of the following:

  1. Significance of GIS application in urban planning
  2. Role of building and development control in managing urbanization
  3. Planning features of Indus Valley Civilization