CSS Psychology Past Paper 2003

Note: Before 2016 Psychology had Two Papers.


PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q.2 What makes Structuralism stand out as different from other schools and how it fits in recent trends in Psychology? Discuss.

Q.3 Describe and explain the role of peripheral nervous system in determining the overt behavior of an organism.

Q.4 Give a comprehensive account of primary (major) and secondary parameters for including a desired response through Conditioning.

Q.5 Describe how and what secondary motives determine one’s source of action in practical life.

Q.6 Elucidate determinants of perception (any 5 out of listed 7) lodged within the individual alone.

Q.7 Describe the role of socio-cultural factors in the development of personality.

Q.8 How are prejudices formed? What role can the media play in minimizing hostile feelings? Discuss.


PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q.2 Describe the methods used for studying infant behavior with special reference to psychological and physical characteristics of the infant.

Q.3 Highlight the self-evident milestones in the process of development of the logical thinking stage in early childhood.

Q.4 Elucidate the sources of information used in clinical diagnosis.

Q.5 Give a critical appraisal of Rational Emotive Behavior therapy highlighting its merits and limitations.

Q.6 What psycho-sociological factors can be identified as mainly responsible for juvenile delinquent behavior with reference to Pakistan? Discuss and suggest practical remedies.

Q.7 What is job satisfaction? Describe the role of Intrinsic and Extrinsic factors as determiners of job satisfaction or dissatisfaction.

Q.8 Briefly describe each of the following as being identified characteristically distinct from each other:

(a) Psychosomatic
(b) Psychosis
(c) Character disorders
(d) Psychosomatic disorders