CSS Psychology Past Paper 1998

Note: Before 2016 Psychology had Two Papers.


PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q.2 Elucidate the points of superiority claimed by the Experimental method over other methods used for data collection in Psychology.

Q.3 Describe the role of the Central Nervous System in coordinating the functions of various vital organs in the human body.

Q.4 What dominant social factors play an important role in the grooming of personality? Discuss the steps which might be taken to regulate the desired outcome.

Q.5 Critically evaluate the theories of Motivation offered by Maslow, Levin, and Freud.

Q.6 Define Socialization and describe how and what factors take the leading role in bringing about social change.

Q.7 What is meant by Group Dynamics? Give a comprehensive account of core parameters which determine the in-group and out-group feelings.

Q.8 Describe Conditioning and highlight the role of primary and secondary determinants of conditioning in shaping the desired behavior.


PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q.2 Identifying various developmental stages in the process of biological maturation, describe the role of socio-cultural factors considered most characteristic of each stage.

Q.3 Describe and explain how prenatal developmental deficiencies may lead to physiological and psychological maladaptive behavior.

Q.4 Highlight the main issues pertaining to ethical standards and legal issues while helping the patient with psychotherapeutic treatment.

Q.5 Elucidate potential psycho-social factors leading to the development of delinquent behavior in youth in Pakistan.

Q.6 Give a comprehensive account of the dynamics of character disorders.

Q.7 Critically evaluate various methods/techniques of assessment of intelligence in mentally retarded children.

Q.8 Describe the intrinsic and extrinsic factors, manipulation of which may boost the productive output of any industrial unit without any substantial additional investment.