CSS Political Science Past Paper 2019

PAPER-I (Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II, by selecting TWO questions from EACH SECTION.


Q.2 Examine the view that the Hegelian spirit is nothing but the evolution of human consciousness to the realization of political maturity for global human co-existence

Q.3 The growing judicial activism in Pakistan is clearly at the expense of parliamentary sovereignty and supremacy. Critically analyze the statement

Q.4 Explain the concept of Nationality and distinguish between Nationality and Citizenship

Q.5 Globalization restricts the autonomy of the state, generates domestic social conflicts, and inequalities. Discuss the interactions between globalization and domestic politics


Q.6 How far will the 18th amendment transform the existing federal system in Pakistan

Q.7 Fascism generally flourishes in countries with strong nationalism and weak democracies. Discuss the enabling conditions for fascism with reference to Germany and Italy

Q.8 How far is it true to say that the origin of the state lies in force? Discuss critically the Theory of Force regarding the origin of the state

PAPER-II (Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II by selecting ONE question from SECTION-A and THREE questions from SECTION-B


Q.2 How does the system of Checks and Balances work in the US political system? Explain with examples

Q.3 How is the party system in France different from that in Germany? Discuss in detail


Q.4 Critically analyze the role of the military in Turkish politics

Q.5 Iqbal is credited with creating the idea of Pakistan. Give your arguments

Q.6 What factors contributed to the delay of the constitution-making process in the early years of Pakistan? Discuss in detail

Q.7 What are the major obstacles to the process of national integration in contemporary Pakistan? Suggest remedies for the success of the process

Q.8 Write down the major determinants of the foreign policy of Pakistan