CSS Philosophy Past Paper 2024

PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q.2. Outline al-Ghazali’s journey from al-kalam methods to philosophy and then to mysticism in the wider background of his recognition of the limits of reason.

Q.3. Aristotle’s concept of ‘eudemonia’ is better than the modern consequential and deontological theories. Discuss it with reference to recent ethical challenges.

Q.4. Expose the weaknesses of Rene Descartes’s cogito argument. Outline the influence of cogito on later modern philosophy.

Q.5. Critically analyze how Michel Foucault’s knowledge/power is different from the common impression ‘knowledge is power.’

Q.6. “Bad faith is a permanent risk for consciousness,” says Sartre. Critically assess this statement in the wider thought of Sartre.

Q.7. “World history is the unfolding of the spirit in time,” says Hegel. Explain it in detail while contrasting it with Kant’s philosophy.

Q.8. Write short notes on any two of the following:

  1. ‘Ought’ implies ‘Can’
  2. Reason and revelation in Averroes
  3. Limits of Rawls’ difference principle