CSS Philosophy Past Paper 2023

PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q.2. How does Ibn-Rushd reconcile Philosophy with Religion? Discuss in detail.

Q.3. What is Pragmatism? Discuss Pragmatism as a method with reference to William James.

Q.4. Discuss Kant’s moral proof for the existence of God.

Q.5. Hegelian Philosophy is mainly responsible for the contemporary anti-metaphysical movement (e.g., Logical Positivism). Discuss.

Q.6. Discuss the need of principle of movement in the structure of Islam in the Philosophy of Iqbal.

Q.7. State and explain the cardinal principles of Leibniz monadology.

Q.8. Give a critical exposition of Berkeley’s doctrine of Esse Est Percipi or “To be is to be perceived.”