CSS Mercantile Law Past Paper 2001

PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q.2. Discuss the importance of free consent in contracts. When do you think, consent is said to be ‘not free’, and what effect will such a consent have on contracts?

Q.3. Define in detail remedies for breach of a contract given to a seller against the buyer in the Sale of Goods Act.

Q.4. Define partnership, and discuss the essential elements of partnership in detail.

Q.5. What do you understand by the words ‘negotiation’ and ‘negotiable’? There are special rules of evidence relating to negotiable instruments. What are they?

Q.6. What is arbitration? How is an arbitrator appointed, and what are his powers under the Arbitration Act?

Q.7. Explain the nature of a contract of insurance. Distinguish between life insurance and other kinds of insurance.

Q.8. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Surety
(b) Warranties
(c) Bailment
(d) Award