CSS Journalism & Mass Communication Past Paper 2018

PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q.2 Traditionally, communication theory as a distinct area of media studies has transited through at least four eras of development. Explain these eras and their specific characteristics by categorizing the communication theories associated with them.

Q.3 Elizabeth Noelle-Neumann propounded the Spiral of Silence Theory in 1974 while examining public opinion as a form of social control, which later emerged as a milestone in public opinion formation research. Discuss it in detail by drawing the model of the theory.

Q.4 In the international and global communication context, communication and culture are strongly associated. Discuss this nexus in the light of Marxist and Gramscian approaches.

Q.5 Relations between governments and mass media have often been adversarial in Pakistan. Discuss this historically, explaining why they have been so. Be precise and critical in your attempt.

Q.6 How would you differentiate between Development Communication and Development Support Communication? Would you support the use of DSC tools and techniques in an increasingly cosmopolitan society? Provide cogent justifications to support your opinion.

Q.7 In developing nations, the impression is growing that mass media and journalists often prioritize their limited objectives with disregard for national security when reporting complex social and political issues. This calls for effective governance of media and their affairs with essential regulations. Don’t you think this impression undermines the right to freedom of expression and media? Discuss in the context of contemporary media laws in Pakistan.

Q.8 Briefly explain the following:
(a) Media determinism by Marshall McLuhan
(b) Cultural industries
(c) PEMRA Code of Ethics
(d) Press Information Department