CSS Journalism & Mass Communication Past Paper 2012

PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II selecting TWO questions from EACH



Q.2 What are ethical issues associated with online journalism and also suggest ways to solve these ethical issues?

Q.3 Discuss the importance of people’s participation in the process of Development, and the subsequent role of mass media.

Q.4 Explain functions of Mass Communication with relevant examples?

Q.5 “Today, media has taken center stage role in daily life and society.” Give your comments on this statement in the light of Media system dependence theory.


Q.6 In the light of Karl Marx Media theory: Analyse the role of at least three TV Channels with special reference to the flood disaster. What is National development? And how can media play a role in National development?

Q.7 Describe the factors that determine the character of the internal public in a newspaper organization.

Q.8 Elaborate the historical perspective of journalism in the sub-continent.

Q.9 Suppose you have developed a new diet drink and are ready to market it. Develop a research study for identifying the elements and topics that should be stressed in your advertisement.