CSS Geology Past Paper 2019

PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II by selecting TWO questions from


Q. No. 2. What characteristics should sedimentary strata contain to be designated as a “Formation”? How is the formation divided into sub-units? Describe the characters of Salt Range Formation.

Q. No. 3. Elaborate on the Plagioclase Series of the Feldspar group of rock-forming minerals. Describe the physical and optical characteristics of the series.

Q. No. 4. What is a pull-apart basin? Describe the characteristics of transform movement between two continental blocks. Where can similar features be found in Pakistan?

Q. No. 5. What are pegmatites? Discuss the texture and mineralogical composition of pegmatites. What precious minerals are associated with acidic pegmatites?


Q. No. 6. What methods of geophysical exploration are used for metallic ore deposits? What instruments are used for data acquisition and interpretation?

Q. No. 7. Differentiate between volcanic and fissure eruptions. Describe the types of materials exhaled by volcanoes. How are these materials hazardous to humans and the environment?

Q. No. 8. Write short notes on any TWO of the following:
(a) Source sediments of petroleum
(b) Site investigation for highway construction
(c) Site investigation for tunnel construction