CSS Geology Past Paper 2016
PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks
Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II by selecting TWO questions from
Q. No. 2. Weathering is a natural process that breaks down rocks and minerals. This process involves a set of physical, chemical, and biological processes. Explain different types of physical and chemical weathering, and describe the role of water in the chemical weathering process.
Q. No. 3. Global society is heavily dependent on minerals and metals. Earth is the source of all these resources. All minerals are grouped into silicate and non-silicate minerals and further divided into seven major classes according to their economic use. For example, the class Sulfides includes the mineral Galena, whose chemical formula is PbS, and is a source of LEAD.
Create a table with four columns:
- 1st column: Minerals Class
- 2nd column: Names of Minerals of the Classes
- 3rd column: Chemical Formulae of Minerals
- 4th column: Economic Use of Minerals
Mention 10 minerals in the table, listing their class (1st column), mineral name (2nd column), chemical composition (3rd column), and economic use (4th column).
Q. No. 4. Mountain belts are made of several mountain ranges, usually with related histories. Mention the names and localities of some familiar mountain ranges of the world. Additionally, discuss in detail the tectonic framework of the Himalayas.
Q. No. 5. Earth scientists recognize that metamorphism and plate tectonics are intimately linked and responsible for the development of different metamorphic facies. Explain, with diagram(s), the types of plate tectonic boundaries and the formation of the related facies.
Q. No. 6. Pakistan has abundant mineral resources, including massive sulfide bodies found in various locations. Electromagnetic geophysical methods are considered most suitable for exploring such high electrical conductivity bodies buried under the surface. Discuss in detail the electromagnetic method, the controlling factors for increasing depth penetration, and its other applications.
Q. No. 7. Earthquakes are produced by the fracturing of rocks in the subsurface. Explain how this occurs. Additionally, describe how tsunamis are produced and identify the characteristics that make earthquakes dangerous.