CSS Geology Past Paper 2002
PART-2(Subjective) 100 Marks
Attempt FIVE questions in all, including Question No. 8 which is COMPULSORY. (20×5)
Q.1. Define bedding and stratification. Discuss various types of bedding. Which features are employed to check whether the beds are right-side-up or overturned?
Q.2. What are unconformities? Discuss various stages involved in their development and describe with the help of diagrams various types of unconformities.
Q.3. What is the base of division of crystals into Systems and Classes? What are the peculiarities of the “NORMAL CLASS” of a system? Describe the symmetry of the normal class of the Hexagonal System.
Q.4. What are Feldspars? Keeping in view the Al/Si distribution over the non-equivalent tetrahedral sites in the structure of feldspar, what is a disordered feldspar?
Q.5. Write an essay on the Foraminifera with special reference to their distribution in Pakistan.
Q.6. What is incongruent melting? Draw the Phase diagram of the binary system Leucite-Silica. Describe the characteristic features of this system.
Q.7. Discuss the differences in the Petrography, chemistry, and occurrence of the alkali basalt and tholeiitic basalt.
Compulsory Question:
Q.8. (A) What is the difference between the following pairs (answer only in one or two lines):
- Orthoclase and Sanidine
- Microcline and Maximum Microline
- Biotite and Phlogopite
- Octahedral and Six-fold Coordination
- Normal and Reverse fold
- Stalactite and Stalagmite
- Gabbro and Granite
What is wrong with the following sentences:
- There is no difference between a fault and a joint.
- Forsterite is formed by the thermal metamorphism of sandstone.
- In the thermal metamorphism of impure Mg-limestone, a series of reactions are involved with progressive OSS.COM.PK system.
- Essential minerals within Granite and Gabbro are quartz, alkali feldspar, and biotite.
- M.K.T separates the Indo-Pak Plate from the Kohistan Island arc.
- Hardness of quartz is 4 in the Mohs Scale of hardness.
- Kyanite and sillimanite are polymorphs of Al₂O₃.
Write only the correct answer in the answer book. Do not reproduce the question.
- Mg occupies the octahedral/tetrahedral coordinated positions in the silicate structure.
- The average thickness of oceanic crust is:
(a) 5 km
(b) 35 km
(c) 40 km
(d) None of these. - Eclogite is the high-pressure equivalent of:
(a) Gabbro
(b) Diorite
(c) Sandstone
(d) None of these. - The basalt-andesite-dacite-rhyolite series of rocks occur in:
(a) Island arc environment
(b) Continental marginal area
(c) Orogenic belts
(d) None of these. - On the A.F.M. diagram, the tholeiitic series exhibits:
(a) A non-iron enrichment trend
(b) A high-iron enrichment trend
(c) A moderate iron enrichment trend
(d) None of these. - When there are two generations of crystals in igneous rocks, the texture is described as:
(a) Porphyritic
(b) Porphyroblastic
(c) Aphyric
(d) None of these.
PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks
Attempt Four questions. (20×4)
Q.1. What are Salt domes? Discuss their evolution and economic significance.
Q.2. Discuss mineral deposits of Hydrothermal Origin.
Q.3. Make a diagram of a modern drilling rig, label its various parts and discuss the function of the water-based and oil-based drilling muds in oil well drilling.
Q.4. Briefly discuss the geological factors that should be taken into consideration while selecting a suitable site for the construction of dams.
Q.5. Give an account of the geological materials used as building stones.
Q.6. What geophysical technique(s) is/are recommended for the prospection of iron-ore deposits? Give details of the techniques and instrument(s) used for this type of survey.
Q.7. Write notes on the following:
(a) Lag time or bottom-up figure
(b) Marble deposits in Pakistan.