CSS Forestry Past Paper 2006

PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q. No. 2. What important factors will you consider while selecting tree species suitable for agroforestry? Please discuss.

Q. No. 3. In the presence of severe constraints of nearly all vital resources required for implementing any massive afforestation programme, what alternatives do we have for increasing forest production in the country? Give an outline of a workable strategy.

Q. No. 4. How far are mangrove forests threatened by reduced downstream flow of the Indus? Justify if such apprehension is a reality or a myth.

Q. No. 5. Discuss the role of various wood-based industries in achieving the goals of national forest policy and in accelerating poverty alleviation.

Q. No. 6. River rain forests were at one time considered to be inexhaustible natural wood mines with remarkably high growth rates. What has gone wrong with these forests and what remedial measures of practical significance do you propose for rescuing and promoting these?

Q. No. 7. What does Watershed Management mean? How can Crop Farming, Fruit Orchards, Timber Forestry, Grazing Grasslands, and Managing Wildlife Parks be made compatible with it? Is conventional Watershed Management possible in the northern reaches of the Indus River? Discuss.

Q. No. 8. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Mulching
(b) Soil Humus
(c) Dieback of Dalbergia sissoo
(d) Evaluating Forest Sites
(e) Leguminous shrubs and trees

NOTE: Before 2016 Agriculture & Forestry were Two Different Papers.