CSS Forestry Past Paper 2002

PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q. No. 2. Suggest suitable strategic measures separately for:
a) Improving productivity
b) Enhancing economic viability and profitability
c) Ensuring a secure future for man-made irrigated forest plantations of Pakistan.

Q. No. 3.
a) How can you prolong the effective life of Mangla Lake? Discuss if raising the dam height is an appropriate lasting solution to the problem.
b) Why has raising range livestock not taken root as an industry (as opposed to the poultry industry) in the Pothohar tract, which is considered a high-potential range area?

Q. No. 4. Give a brief of the major recommendations of the forest sector master plan of 1993. Will it lead Pakistan to a timber and fuel surplus status by the year 2018? If not, why?

Q. No. 5.
a) Briefly describe the general characteristic features of various ecological factors influencing forest tree growth.
b) What silvicultural measures do you propose for rejuvenating and extending dry temperate forests of Baluchistan?

Q. No. 6. How will you attract capital and intellect from the private sector for conserving natural habitats and promoting wildlife in various regions of the country? In case you succeed in your efforts, in what specific ways would you like this newly generated capital and intellect to serve the cause of wildlife promotion in the country?

Q. No. 7. How will you estimate the age, height, diameter at breast height, and true volume of a forest tree bole? What is meant by CAI, and how will you estimate it for a single tree?

Q. No. 8. Write brief notes on any five of the following:
a) Succession
b) Completely randomized design
c) Quality class
d) Kas training
e) Savannah
f) Causeway
g) Fire line
h) Niche

NOTE: Before 2016 Agriculture & Forestry were Two Different Papers.