CSS Forestry Past Paper 2000
PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks
Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)
Q. No. 2. Define silviculture. Enlist various silvicultural operations. Briefly explain the operation that yields maximum intermediate income.
Q. No. 3. What are the principles of forest management? How shall you ensure sustained production and how shall you increase production potential?
Q. No. 4. Write short essays on the following:
a. Yield/management tables
b. Chain/triangular survey
c. Silvo grazing
d. Forest roads
e. Wood seasoning.
Q. No. 5. What measures shall you take to promote farm-friendly wildlife in agricultural ecosystems? What role can agroforestry plan in this regard? What role is this farm-friendly wildlife expected to play in our farming system?
Q. No. 6. Name various forest types of Pakistan. Describe, in some detail, the one which, in your opinion, has the utmost watershed value. What changes shall you propose for its betterment?
Q. No. 7. How can you put new life and increase vigor in the forestry sector? Suggest a few major strategic policy and legislative measures in this regard.
Q. No. 8. Write an essay on the efficient utilization of large timber in general and small logs in particular.
NOTE: Before 2016 Agriculture & Forestry were Two Different Papers.