CSS Forestry Past Paper 1992

PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q. No. 2. What is forest policy? Why have so few of the “policy statements” made by governments in Pakistan been implemented? How would you ensure (if you were the Secretary Forests or the Chief Conservator of Forests) that a “policy statement” becomes “policy”?

Q. No. 3. Describe in detail how you would effectively regenerate the following: (a) Moist temperate coniferous reserved forest. (b) Moist temperate coniferous protected forest.

Q. No. 4. Give the history of range management in Pakistan. Why have most of our attempts at range management failed? How would you now design a range management project so that it has a reasonable chance of success?

Q. No. 5. How would you make the irrigated plantations more viable economically?

Q. No. 6. Give the factors you would consider while locating forest industries in Pakistan. Describe at least one instance where a major forest industry has become non-viable because of carelessness in this regard.

Q. No. 7. What are the major causes for the depletion of wildlife in Pakistan? What steps would you take to ensure viable populations of wildlife in the various ecological zones?

Q. No. 8. What are the major uses of wood in Pakistan? What is the extent of the gap between its supply and demand? How is it being filled at present? What measures would you take to narrow the gap in the next 20 years?

Q. No. 9. What are the current and prospective problems of the revering forests of Sindh? Are these forests doomed, or can any pragmatic and cost-effective measures be taken to perpetuate them? Discuss in detail.

NOTE: Before 2016 Agriculture & Forestry were Two Different Papers.