CSS Forestry Past Paper 1990

PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q. No. 2. What is the extent of arid and semi-arid area in Pakistan? What are the causes of degradation in such lands? What measures do you suggest to bring back the green vegetal cover?

Q. No. 3. “Proper watershed management is so essential to preserve the agricultural economy of Pakistan”. Analyse this statement to bring out the importance of well-managed watersheds.

Q. No. 4. Development of modern infrastructure has resulted in depletion of the forest wealth of Pakistan. Suggest ways and means to improve the productive forest area of Pakistan.

Q. No. 5. How many different forest types are available in Pakistan? Discuss their management for sustained production.

Q. No. 6. What do you understand from the term Social Forestry? Is it being practiced in Pakistan? Discuss its role in bridging the gap between supply and demand.

Q. No. 7. What is a Forest Ecosystem? How can a perfect system supply the requisite goods and services without damaging the biodiversity?

Q. No. 8. What are the major causes of deterioration of rangelands in Pakistan? Suggest suitable measures to improve the present poor production.

Q. No. 9. Write short notes on any five of the following:
(i) Retrogression
(ii) Wildlife Habitat
(iii) Nitrogen fixing trees
(iv) Silviculture
(v) Yield tables
(vi) Regression equation
(vii) Randomized Block Design
(viii) Provenances

NOTE: Before 2016 Agriculture & Forestry were Two Different Papers.