CSS Forestry Past Paper 1988

PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q. No. 1. Describe the occurrence, environmental conditions, composition, management, and economic importance of any one of the following:

  • Moist Temperate Forest
  • Dry Temperate Forests
  • Riverine Forests of Sindh

Q. No. 2. How would you regenerate the following types of forests:

  • Fir forests
  • Juniper forests
  • Riverine forests in Sindh and Punjab?

Q. No. 3. Write a cogent essay on the future of irrigated forest plantations in the Twenty-First Century. What more appropriate system can replace the current system?

Q. No. 4. What is the Forest Policy of Pakistan? What improvements would you suggest and why?

Q. No. 5. How would you organize watershed and range management in any part of Pakistan?

Q. No. 6. How would you manage wildlands with less than 8 inches of annual precipitation?

Q. No. 7. Define the following and give their significance in forestry (each carries 2 marks):

  1. Forest Management
  2. Forest Inventory
  3. Yield Tables
  4. Volume Tables
  5. Selection System
  6. Locality factors
  7. Micro-climate
  8. Saline and Alkali soils
  9. Uniform system
  10. Social Forestry

NOTE: Before 2016 Agriculture & Forestry were Two Different Papers.