CSS European History Past Paper 2010
PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks
Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. (20×4)
Q.2. ‘A little part of the middle of the 18th Century, the mental Revolution-necessary fore-runner of the actual Revolution had already taken possession of the major section of the French Society. (F. Scheville) Discuss it.
Q.3. Why is the period between 1815 – 1848 in Europe called ‘the age of Metternich’? Describe the main features of the political and diplomatic system which prevailed at that time?
Q.4. Discuss the motives of different European powers who participated in the Crimean war.
Q.5. Napoleon III was the ‘great sphinx’. Give an estimate of him.
Q.6. What is the Eastern Question? Write down its developments from the Treaty of Adrianople (1829) to Treaty of Berlin (1878).
Q.7. What was the ‘Triple Alliance’? How did it come into existence and how did it affect the diplomacy of the European Powers?
Q.8. Write short notes on ANY TWO of the following:
(i) The Holy Alliance.
(ii) Cavour.
(iii) The Young Turk Movement.
(iv) Convention of Gastein (1865).
PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks
Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. (20×4)
Q.2. How far is it true to say that the Treaty of Versailles (1919) sowed the seeds of World War-II? Comment.
Q.3. Describe the role of League of Nations between the wars.
Q.4. Write the salient features of the Russian Revolution.
Q.5. Hitler’s foreign policy led to the collapse of Germany. Discuss.
Q.6. Do you think that NATO and Warsaw pacts were the results of the cold war between the powers of Europe? Discuss.
Q.7. What is the British Commonwealth of Nations and how it developed?
Q.8. Write notes on ANY TWO of the following:
(i) General DeGaulle.
(ii) The Atlantic Charter.
(iii) Reparations.
(iv) Marshall Plan.