CSS English Literature Past Paper 2021
PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks
Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)
Q. No. 2 What does Emerson mean by “Whoso would be a man must be a non-conformist”? Discuss.
Q. No. 3 Maugham in “The Lotus Eater” projects that our circumstances will shape our personalities, decisions, and resolves. Explain.
Q. No. 4 “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” is the song of being divided between passion and timidity. It is a song of frustration and emotional conflict. Discuss.
Q. No. 5 Keats is known as the master of sensuousness. Give arguments.
Q. No. 6 Eugene O’Neill’s Long Day’s Journey into Night is a modern tragedy. Explain.
Q. No. 7 “Under the Net” represents both the political and philosophical views which Iris Murdoch herself held at the time, but also her self-image. Discuss.
Q. No. 8 How have Feminist theories tried to reshape literary studies?