CSS English Literature Past Paper 2012


PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II selecting TWO questions from EACH



Q. 2 ‘Above all Charles Lamb was a refined humanist whose smile could be both satiric and tender’. Elaborate the truth of this statement.

Q. 3 Does Keats escape from the realities of life? Justify your answer to this question through citations from his works.

Q. 4 What is the relation between Shelley’s ‘Love’s Philosophy’ and the ‘Idea of Romanticism’?

Q. 5 George Eliot’s works depict her firm grasp of social relations. Discuss in detail.


Q. 6 Discuss Charles Dickens as a critic of his age.

Q. 7 Hardy’s works portray fate or destiny as a malignant and cruel agent of nature lurking at the prospect of human well-being. Discuss critically.

Q. 8 Robert Browning belongs to the Victorian Age. Justify the statement.


PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II selecting TWO questions from EACH



Q. 2 Throughout the play, Hamlet claims to be feigning madness, but his portrayal of madness is so intense and so convincing that many readers are led to believe that Hamlet actually slips into insanity at certain moments in the play. Do you think this is true, or is Hamlet merely play-acting insanity? Substantiate your viewpoint through evidence from the play.

Q. 3 Could Pygmalion be set in the modern day at a time when there are, generally, more opportunities for women?

Q. 4 Complex, satiric, full of symbolism and illusions to famous works of literature, The Waste Land is a landmark of the 20th Century. Discuss in detail.

Q. 5 Swift’s irony reaches its crescendo in the fourth voyage of Gulliver. Elaborate.


Q. 6 ‘A man can be destroyed but not defeated’ is well depicted by Hemingway in The Old Man and the Sea. Discuss in detail.

Q. 7 Is The Second Coming definitely a ‘visionary poem’? If yes, describe what Yeats’ vision is?

Q. 8 Jane Austen’s writing is a vivid account of her understanding of human behaviour. Illustrate the truth from her novel Pride and Prejudice.