CSS English Literature Past Paper 2011


PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II selecting TWO questions from EACH



Q. 2 During the Victorian Era, art forms part of a coherent social whole. The call for order and discipline comes from all directions. Elaborate.

Q. 3 Shelley’s life was one of passionate devotion to intellect; his poems show a philosophical and social force working in the same direction. Illustrate giving examples.

Q. 4 Wordsworth’s poetry is based on an effort to convey by simple means the impression of intensity. Comment.

Q. 5 Keats’s art is full of passion, the object of this desire is not the “intellectual beauty” of Shelley but is caused by the enchantment of the senses. Discuss.


Q. 6 Dickens writes of the lower middle class not as a detached observer, but as one on their own level and an instinctive fraternity can be traced in his novels. Discuss.

Q. 7 Coleridge chooses supernatural themes which he invests with the semblance of truth. Comment considering some of his poems.

Q. 8 Browning’s art reflects an intellectual curiosity, a systematic quest of truth and a desire for rationality characteristic of his age. Give detailed comments.


PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II selecting TWO questions from EACH



Q. 2 Shakespeare draws the images of nature not laboriously but luckily; when he describes anything, you more than see it, you feel it too. Illustrate, giving examples from characterization in Hamlet.

Q. 3 B. Shaw tears off veils and lays bare the half-voluntary illusions of complacently blind souls. Discuss Arms and the Man, in which Shaw shows that military heroism is an invention of the civilians.

Q. 4 In Gulliver’s Travels, Swift dissects the English political life with a corrosive satire. Elaborate.

Q. 5 Draw a complete picture of the Hemingway hero, keeping The Old Man and the Sea in mind.


Q. 6 Compare and contrast the features of love of nature reflected in the poems by Robert Frost and William Wordsworth.

Q. 7 Yeats’ work is thoroughly steeped in imaginative mysticism, which is the essential attribute of Celticism. Discuss in relation to his poems you have read.

Q. 8 Jane Austen’s clear-sighted eyes read through the inner minds of those who live around her or those whom she invents, just as if those minds were transparent. Discuss her characterization in Pride and Prejudice in the light of this remark.