CSS English Literature Past Paper 2002
PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks
Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II selecting TWO questions from EACH
SECTION. (20×4)
Q. No. 1. Critically discuss Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience as poetry.
Q. No. 2. Hobbes, the English philosopher (1588 – 1679) believed that “Man was merely a body, or better, a machine in motion. Thus, what is the heart but a spring, and the nerves but many strings and the joints but so many wheels”. How did Wordsworth (1770 – 1850) restore this mechanical image to its human form?
Q. No. 3. Discuss Shelley’s Prometheus Unbound as an allegory of Man’s Emancipation in an Age of Hope and Deliverance.
Q. No. 4. Discuss the image of ‘the Serpent Woman’ in Lamia and also the image of ‘The Cruel Woman’ in La Belle Dame Sans Merci (Keats).
“Byron’s Don Juan is a success because it is a satirical panorama of the ruling classes of his time” (W. H. Auden). Discuss.
Q. No. 5. Discuss the ending of George Eliot’s The Mill on the Floss as a manipulated ending to a narrative directed by cause-and-effect.
Q. No. 6. What is the principal quest of J. S. Mill’s mind? Give an analytical study of his thought in support of your arguments.
How does the Romantic sensibility appear in Charles Lamb’s essays?
Q. No. 7. Write short notes as short essays on two of the following:
(a) Significance of the ROAD in Hardy’s novels.
(b) Browning’s Dramatic Monologue.
(c) Oscar Wilde’s Ballad of Reading Gaol.
(d) Dickens’ Underworld.
(e) Ruskin’s Social Criticism.
PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks
Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)
Q. No. 2. Critically analyze Hamlet’s delay problem.
Q. No. 3. Do you agree with Shaw in his justification of Eliza’s choice at the end of the play Pygmalion? Give reasons.
Q. No. 4. Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels is a ‘mock utopia’. Explain.
Q. No. 5. Critically appreciate Frost’s After Apple Picking or Mending Wall.
Q. No. 6. “Jane Austen’s view of life is the view of the eighteenth century civilization of which she was the last exquisite blossom. One might call it the moral realistic view. Jane Austen was profoundly moral.” (David Cecil). Elaborate.
Q. No. 7. What does Byzantium symbolize in Sailing to Byzantium? Justify or refute Stocks’ remark that Yeats’ poetry is a battleground for the clash of opposites with reference to Sailing to Byzantium.
Q. No. 8. “Some of Pozzo’s speeches go beyond what seems dramatically plausible in a decaying boss-figure.” Substantiate from your reading of the play Waiting for Godot.