CSS Criminology Past Paper 2023

PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II by selecting ONE question from



Q2. Discuss the scope of Criminology as a science dealing with the study of criminal law, forensics, and criminal investigation.

Q3. Suggest measures to control robberies/dacoities and urban street criminality in Pakistan.


Q4. How can juvenile delinquency be reduced through the institutional role, professional counseling, and increased care?

Q5. What challenges are faced by the police in controlling crime and maintaining law and order in the country?


Q6. Why is the crime scene important for investigators? What are the crime scene search patterns?

Q7. How do international policing and monitoring organizations control human trafficking?


Q8. “Terrorism and radicalization continue to pose a threat to global peace, economy, and stability.” Discuss.

Q9. What is the role of FIA in controlling organized criminality in Pakistan?