CSS Botany Past Paper 2023
PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks
Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)
Q. No. 2 Write comprehensive notes on the following:
(a) Morphology of thallus in Algae
(b) Alternation of generation in Bryophytes
Q. No. 3 Describe the significance of various types of abiotic environmental factors for soil formation. Give soil characteristics formed by each agent.
Q. No. 4 Describe the ultra-structure of the nucleus with particular reference to the nuclear membrane and pore complexes.
Q. No. 5 Describe various types of environmental pollution. Give the significance of biodiversity and conservation to save the living planet.
Q. No. 6 Give a diagrammatic account of the location of the different photosystems in granum and briefly describe their functions in photosynthesis.
Q. No. 7 What are the different rules of botanical nomenclature? Compare the natural and artificial systems of classification.
Q. No. 8 Write short notes on any TWO of the following:
(a) Reproduction and economic importance of yeast
(b) Illustrative account of protein synthesis in eukaryotes
(c) Endosperm development in Angiosperms