CSS Botany Past Paper 2018

PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q. No. 2 Discuss the biological and economic importance of Fungi.

Q. No. 3 Describe the main features of Gymnosperms and explain the life cycle of Pinus.

Q. No. 4 What are the main types of Pollution? What measures may be taken for its control?

Q. No. 5 Explain CAM Photosynthesis, contrasting it with C4 Photosynthesis in terms of the partitioning of a pathway.

Q. No. 6 What are the evidences supporting Evolution? What contributions have modern genetics made in its support?

Q. No. 7 What is the evidence for semiconservative replication of DNA?

Q. No. 8 Write short notes on the following:
(a) Ultrastructure of cell membrane
(b) Speciation
(c) Vernalization
(d) Classes of Algae