CSS Psychology Past Paper 2001
Note: Before 2016 Psychology had Two Papers.
PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks
Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)
Q.2 Critically evaluate different Schools and Systems of Psychology. Discuss their scientific status in contemporary Psychology.
Q.3 Describe the Central and Peripheral Nervous System and their impact on human behavior.
Q.4 How would you define Learning? Also, compare and contrast different views about Reinforcement. In your opinion, which one is significant? Give reasons.
Q.5 In what ways do Biogenic motives differ from Sociogenic motives? Support your views in the light of theoretical and experimental research conducted recently.
Q.6 Explain “what takes place in the perceptual process once the information from the situation is received by the individual.”
Q.7 Critically examine the theories of Prejudice with special reference to Social Learning and Motivational approaches. Also, suggest two social psychological techniques for reducing various aspects of prejudice and stereotyping.
Q.8 Discuss the nature of Groups. Also, explain Riots and Social Loafing.
PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks
Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)
Q.2 What are the different methods of Developmental psychology and how do psychologists employ theory and research to answer questions and hypotheses of interest?
Q.3 Explain major highlights of physical, perceptual, and social development after the birth of a child.
Q.4 Compare and contrast Piaget’s theory of cognitive development with information-processing theory.
Q.5 Discuss reliable and valid psychological tools to measure the Personality of Pakistani adults and children.
Q.6 Describe basic milestones of Gestalt therapy and Humanistic Existential therapy. In your opinion, which therapy would you employ for treatment?
Q.7 Define Intelligence and Mental Retardation. Differentiate between IQ and EQ.
Q.8 Discuss the role of work incentives on the basis of theories of Reinforcers.