CSS Psychology Past Paper 2010

Note: Before 2016 Psychology had Two Papers.


PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q.2 Define psychology as a science of behaviour. List the various schools and systems used in psychology.

Q.3 Describe the structures and functions of the brain, emphasizing the role of neurons as a unit of the nervous system.

Q.4 Differentiate between classical conditioning and operant conditioning in the context of human learning.

Q.5 Describe the significance of motivation in human life, referring to any one theory of motivation.

Q.6 Define perception and sensation and explain how the five senses, especially vision and hearing, operate.

Q.7 Explain the psychoanalytic perspective of personality, giving details of Freud’s psychosexual stages of personality development.

Q.8 Define ANY TEN of the following:
(i) Psychometrics
(ii) Unconscious mind
(iii) Perceptual constancy
(iv) Negative reinforcement
(v) Free association
(vi) Thematic Apperception Test (T.A.T)
(vii) Stimulus
(viii) Aggression
(ix) Personality traits
(x) Extinction
(xi) Attitudes
(xii) Altruism
(xiii) Group norms
(xiv) Prejudice


PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q.2 Define growth and development and discuss the basic processes and stages of development, highlighting the nature-nurture theory.

Q.3 Explain the prenatal development and infancy period of development. Write down the role of genetics and heredity in chromosomal disorders or abnormalities.

Q.4 What are the various areas of human development? Define and describe the significance of intellectual development in comparison with other areas of development in child development.

Q.5 Explain the concept of abnormality. Briefly describe the goals of clinical diagnosis and write about either personality or behavioral assessment.

Q.6 Define therapy. List the various therapies used in psychology and write about ANY ONE briefly.

Q.7 Describe what you know about biological and sociological factors relating to maladjustment and crime psychology.

Q.8 Define ANY TEN of the following:
(i) Maturation
(ii) Infancy
(iii) Imprinting
(iv) Neo-natal period
(v) Object permanence
(vi) Chromosomal abnormality
(vii) Psycho-somatic disorder
(viii) Psychotherapy
(ix) I.Q.
(x) Drug addiction
(xi) Juvenile delinquency
(xii) Neurotic disorder
(xiii) Psychosis
(xiv) Group dynamics