CSS Philosophy Past Paper 2015

Note: Before 2016 Philosophy had Two Papers.


PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q.2. Generate any four standard form categorical syllogism with universal conclusion.

Q.3. What is the difference between formal and informal logic? Also, explain six rules for the validity of standard form categorical syllogism.

Q.4. What is ambiguity? Explain in detail with accurate example.

Q.5. Check the validity or invalidity of the following by applying nineteen rules of replacement.

Q.6. What is the difference between scientific and unscientific explanation?

Q.7. Give a resume of Ibn-e-Tamiya Criticism of Aristotelian logic.

Q.8. Briefly explain the following fallacies of ambiguity with two examples to explain each.
(a) Amphiboly
(b) Hypostatization
(c) Division
(d) Composition


PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q.2. What do you understand by Pragmatism? Bring out, in this connection, William James’ Pragmatic Method.

Q.3. Can Plato be regarded as an idealist? Discuss in detail.

Q.4. What does Existentialism stand for?

Q.5. How do the Logical Positivists endeavour to show the impossibility of Metaphysics?

Q.6. Discuss in detail Iqbal’s theory of the immortality of the human ego.

Q.7. Bring out the salient features of Ibn Sina’s Metaphysics.

Q.8. State and critically examine Ibn Khaldun’s philosophy of history.